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"Since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love which ye have to all the saints,"  Colossians 1:4  (KJV)

Our History

ChristLife was founded and was directed by Pastor Ronald Marr. Pastor Marr was a graduate of Prairie Bible Institute in Alberta, Canada. He was ordained to the gospel ministry, performed pastoral ministries, directed Youth for Christ ministries, founded and published a Christian newspaper that grew to a circulation of nearly 100,000.

Pastor Marr remained as an advisor and regular contributor to the ministry until our Lord Jesus called him home.  (Please visit our "Pastor Marr Memorial" page for details.)

The responsibility for the day-to-day operations of ChristLife, Inc. is now in the hands of the Board of Directors.  After Pastor Marr passed on to be with Jesus, each of the Board members had to decide if the Lord wanted us to keep the ministry going or dissolve it.  At this time, God has called us to continue this work.

Volunteers:  This ministry is essentially operated by volunteers.  There are a number of people who assist us in various aspects of the ministry.  Without the volunteers this ministry could not exist.

Finances:  ChristLife Inc. is funded solely by donations and contributions of individuals, churches and private organizations.  Your gifts help to keep this ministry in operation.  Thank you!

Our Programs

The main thrust of our ministry is to provide Christian literature and resources.
We want to help "make disciples" by strengthening the saints IN Jesus Christ!
We want to see souls saved FOR Jesus Christ!

How do we attempt to accomplish these goals?  Currently we are doing the following:

*  We provide FREE literature via download from this web site.  This literature includes some books written by Pastor Marr as well as tracts, pamphlets and other literature.

*  Some of our literature is educational, inspirational and faith building.  We pray that these writings will help make the saints of God stronger.

*  We also have literature that is evangelistic.  Our prayer for this is that souls would be converted from the kingdom of darkness and brought into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and God's glorious light.

*  We are expanding our ministry to include evangelistic outreaches, discipleship training and preaching and teaching.

What is ChristLife?  -  It is a call to:

~  an exchanged life, His for ours.  ~  a deeper Christian life, really His life.  ~  a life crucified with Christ.  ~  a life of intimate, personal, love with the Lord Jesus Christ and His Father God.  ~  a life of personal spiritual revival.  ~  a life focused and centered on Christ.  ~  a life enabled solely by the grace of God, without any of our own ability.  ~  a life willing to suffer and die if necessary for Christ Jesus as He died for us.  ~  a life of rest and peace beyond understanding.  ~  a life of thanksgiving, praise, and worship that helps to keep our focus on Christ.  ~  a life dedicated to proclaiming the gospel of salvation to all men through Christ.

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United States and Canada:  At this time, we are able to fill most orders to the USA and Canada (however, there may be some exceptions.)

International:  Please DO NOT send any money for international orders without first contacting us.  We are NOT always able to fill international orders.  Please contact us FIRST!

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This site and all content is owned by ChristLife, Inc (unless otherwise stated).  All rights reserved.

ChristLife Google Group
One of the ministries of ChristLife, Inc. is our Google discussion group.  This group is all about our Life in Christ, Jesus and the Bible.  This group is a place to make prayer requests.  It is a place to ask questions about the Bible or share some of your insights from the Word of God.  It is also a place to discuss our Life in Jesus Christ.  Please feel free to join our group using the form below.

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ChristLife, Inc. - PO Box 1033 - Niagara Falls, NY 14304
Phone: 716.622.7320