Below you will find some simple tips to help you properly study and understand the Bible.
Note: This is not an exhaustive list, nor is it in any specific order.
This list is intended to spur thoughtfulness and consideration while reading the Scriptures.
God desires that we understand Him and His Word and has promised to help us learn more about Him.
Simple Tips For Bible Study
Description and Details
Pray Before Studying
Pray in agreement with the Word of God before you study.
Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into God's Truths!
Attempt to separate what you THINK the passage means and try
and read it as though it were the first time. Our preconceived ideas are very powerful and can wrongly influence our
understanding of the Bible.
We must NEVER attempt to understand the Bible using our logic
and intellect apart from other passages. The Scriptures themselves must interpret other verses. Cross-referencing
is very helpful.
This Bible study guideline recommends going back to the first
time a doctrine is mentioned in the Bible and studying that reference. Often the first mention sets the tone of the
doctrine throughout the Scriptures.
Interpret Parts of the Bible in Light of the Whole
Understand a sentence in the light of the verse, in the light
of the paragraph, in the light of the chapter, in the light of the book, in the light of the Testament, in the light of the
entire Bible.
When we read a word in our own language that we don't understand,
we look it up in a dictionary. It is very helpful when reading the Bible to have Hebrew and Greek dictionaries and look
up the original words God chose.
Many are FREE online
Resort to Commentaries Last
Avoid using other people's opinions (commentaries, etc.) first.
Read the passage many times, and after applying solid Bible study, then read commentaries to confirm your conclusion.
Look for similar themes in multiple places. Repeated themes
can add insight from different Biblical perspectives.
Many NT Quotes of the OT
Read the Bible "Literally in Context"
The Bible is to be understood "literally in context".
This is important! For example, if you are reading a proverb, do NOT understand it as a promise. A prophecy is
NOT a historical commentary.
Proverbs compared to Acts
Put Yourself in the Author's Shoes
Attempt to try and understand where the author is coming from.
Remember always that the writer's words must be taken from the writer's position.
Ignore Chapter and Verse Numbers
Chapter and verse numbers are very helpful. However, they
can create artificial separations which did not exist in the original writings. Sometimes we may stop at the end of
a chapter and miss important context.
Human Authors were Moved by the Holy Spirit
Yes, the Bible was written by human authors. However,
they did not write of their own accord, they were moved and inspired by the Holy Spirit.
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